Digital signage displays media content quickly and simply on any number of screens. Electronic displays attract much more attention than print media and are thus ideally suited for point of sale marketing.

signageFOX is a Zeitmechanik GmbH brand and includes all the products and services needed to operate large networks of screens.
An unlimited number of screens are connected to the Internet by small caches (also known as players) to the Internet, and the size of the screens is immaterial. Our Network Operations Center converts your content to the appropriate format and sends it to all the connected players. You will never need to learn how to use complicated programs or elaborate applications.
The connected monitors continue to operate. Without a connection to the internet, the player continues to display the last saved loop until it receives new data.
signageFOX displays your content on the screens immediately. Compared to the time-consuming and costly shipping of USB sticks or DVDs, signageFOX is unbeatable.
If you like, every single screen can be controlled separately, so time-limited and location-limited promotions are no problem.


Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday
    9:00 - 18:00 Hrs